Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Your Novel: A Collage Approach

By Biusch (Own work), via Wikimedia Commons
We often think about our ambitions in too cerebral a way, when it can be more powerful to feel our dreams and let our unconscious take over.  Getting a powerful sense of the mood of a story or book, for example, can help us to tap our voice, our world, our plot, our mood more easily.

So why not create a collage of your dreams?  If you want to write that fantasy novel, use magazine pics that remind you of the story, such as the winged beings and moonlit adventures you envision.  If you want to write a noir novel, what visuals from films and art speak to your aesthetic?  When you've made it, gaze at your collage every morning and night, experiencing it and feeling it.

As writers, I find we are often unblocked by living in the heart as well as the head.  That way, our deeper selves are already in action, before we even start.

Do let me know how it goes!

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